Friday, October 23, 2009

Genesis Noah Verses 6:9-11:32

Just like Portion B'reshit, Noah is a parshat we all know. God asks Noah to build him an ark. Why? A flood is going to come over the Earth. Noah has to gather two of each animal and put them on the ark. After the flood, a dove searches for a place to settle and can not. A week goes by and the dove tries again, the ark can be released. When it is all over, God makes the first of two major covenant in the Torah. This first covenant has God promising never to destroy all the living beings on Earth again.

If God promises not to, why does God do it in the first place? Noah was a very special man on the face of the Earth at this time. In my opinion, there is one thing that can stop wickedness:listening. The difference between Noah and the rest of the wicked world was listening. Ignorance is the source of wickedness. Ignorance is merely not listening. Compassion is the opposite of wickedness. To be compassionate you must listen.

In B'reshit, God proves that the first world formed was ignorant. Adam and Eve were told not to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. A snake sent by God tempted them. Noah does not even question God when God demands him to build an ark.

Listening abilities show up again in the story. Noah and his family have to work together to build this massive ark. Problems between countries in the modern world happen for many reasons, but all roots of ammunition being used in warfare is a result of not accepting what others have to say.

I personally had an inconvenient experience this week. I got hit in my right ear like a crack of a whip. High pitched ringing lasted for 15 minutes. I felt what it felt like to lose that ability. Not to the worst extent, but it was pretty horrible. I felt ashamed to have say what all the time and a little stupid. I did not choose not to listen, but most people do. If we were born not to listen, why do we have ears?

1 comment:

  1. How correct you are about listening? It is also a very valuable trait in business. People simplye do not llsten and it leads to misunderstandings.

    If we all took five minutes to listen - what a better world the whole Earth would be.
