At my synagogue, the youth group writes a creative service. This year's theme was miracles!
From August 15 to November 1, I struggled to find a miracle. With the High Holy Days coming, it was a struggle for how Jewish I should be. On top of that, Rachel, my sister, was finishing up the college admission process. This eclipsed my life at home. On top of that, I was lost to find who my friends were. With many more issues and pressures of eighth grade, it was a depressing and miserable autumn. Then, one day the light was at the end of the tunnel. Instead of taking the time to focus on the negative aspect, I would like to speak of the triumph.
I was looking for a miracle from the outside. I wanted a friend to reach out and lift this burden off my back. Instead, the depression took over more. Functioning day to day was almost impossible. September was like a few bumps in the rough road. October was the lull of sorrow. Then, out of nowhere November came. With a better sleep and a broader batch of self-confidence, I got through a day. Then, just another week. And now, as one can see a month.
It was certainly a miracle. We find ourselves all at this point. Some go through it at 14, others at 40, and others at 80. Self-confidence is the key to everything. It is the miracle that propelled the Maccabees to victory, the Jews out of Egypt, and a young man through the expedition of his eighth grade year. Having self-confidence is a miracle in itself. When services conclude, go out in the world and find the miracle of self-confidence. It sure does help get us out of the hole.
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