Friday, July 31, 2009

Deuteronemy Va'etchanan Verses 3:23 - 7:11

We join the Israelites in the Valley of the Jordan River waiting to be allowed into the Promised Land. Moses can not go into the Promised Land though. Moses has not trusted God and has not been honest enough to enter the Promised Land. Anyways Moses is talking to the people about God wants. This makes me think of Palin's recent resignation speech.

Deuteronomy really did review this week. The ten commandments were right in the middle of this parsha. What I liked here is that God did not mention what happened in the desert. He did not mention how the fathers and grandfathers of the people before Him had betrayed God, but God mentions the Ten Commandments and all of the sudden the V'ahavta comes up.

The V'ahavta is a prayer that begins with the Sh'ma and ode to how there is only one God in the heavens and the Earth. Is it just a coincidence the prayer is right after God talks about the Ten Commandments. If you remember the Israelites made a fake idol because they were bored of having no Moses when he was getting the Ten Commandments.

As for Moses resigning, it makes me think of baseball. We all do bad things, but not all of us deceive our people. David Ortiz said in February any person that took steroids should be abolished from baseball. Yesterday, a report was released that David Ortiz took steroids himself. Should the A-Rods, the Manny's and the Papi's of the world get to go into the Hall of Fame? Is the Hall of Fame, the chance of being remember for eternity, their Promised Land?

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