Friday, June 04, 2010

Numbers Sh'lach Verses 13:1-15:41

I apologize for not writing lately. Life in spring is as hectic. Weeks 5,6, and 7 of the Omer have passed. I will continue to write each week until I leave for מןש קיץ (summer camp).

We find ourselves distressed by the choices of the Israelites...again. After about two years in the desert, they reach the Promised Land. Upon entering, men from each tribe are sent to scout the land by Adonai. Everything is splendid in Canaan, but then the Israelites do not think. The men come back and spread news that larger civilizations dwell in the land. Ones that could rise up and destroy them as a nation. That small group turns into all the Israelites. Two of the men do not tell the negative side of the story, Joshua and Caleb. Other than this pair, God's chosen people are doubting the Lord's choice. Why would God choose the wrong "Promised Land"?

The Israelites are so close. They have tasted the grapes, pomegranates, and figs of the Promised Land. Cries go up to God pleading not to go to the land flowing with milk and honey. A trifle want to return to Egypt. God cannot believe what is being spoken. In anger, God does not allow anybody into the Promised Land. Egypt's liberated generation has betrayed their Lord. God sentence them to forty years of wandering in the Middle Eastern deserts. One year for each day the men scouted the beautiful land that they came so close to. Every Israelite from this generation shall perish in wandering, except Joshua and Caleb.

Joshua and Caleb are the Torah's lesson in dealing with peer pressure. They resist the temptation to doubt the word of God. Not even Moses and Aaron were successful in their lifetime. Middle school is like the headquarters of Peer Pressure International. I know that on occasion I have been a Moses or an Aaron. Luckily, I aspire to be Joshua and Caleb. Strong people who know what is right and what is wrong. Contrary to Pinocchio, no cricket is going to tell you what is bad. Just remember giving into peer pressure could lead down the path to forty years of wandering.

1 comment:

  1. Or it can lead you to the dark side of the force! Only joking, to aspire to be strong and independent is a great quality. Keep it up and you will be a leader.
