Thursday, May 07, 2009

Leviticus Emor Verses 21:1-24:23

This parsha tells of 6 holidays. Although some people would say 5. The 5 people would say are Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Passover, and Shavout. I also count Shabbat. The debate I had this week was if Shabbat was a holiday or a commandment. I truly enjoy Shabbat and take it as a holiday, but technically it is our fourth commandment.

My parents always tell me never do something I will not put my mind to. Honestly, I give Orthodox Jews a TON of credit because I could never live that life style. I could never put my mind to it to be that strict and somewhere in my strict lifestyle I would stop enjoying Shabbat. I am not trying to say Orthodox Jews are too strict, but too strict for me. My parents also always tell me stick with your comfort level.

I do think it is important to celebrate Shabbat. I know that when you have fun with Shabbat you do it more often. I enjoy Shabbat and take it as a holiday. Let me know your opinion!

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