When my buddies at Torah study mentioned that the end of Deuteronomy is complicated, they weren’t kidding. Ha'azinu gave me great difficulty in coming up with a decent interpretation. Moses is living out his last day. He is giving his closing address. In summary, Moses discusses the problems the Israelites have. God is the principal in this school of thought. God's teacher is Moses. Now that Moses is going, God and Moses are afraid the substitute teacher will be mediocre. Moses explains that we blame God for our own destruction, but we are responsible. Then, he praises God. Another main point is how God is the true leader of the Jewish people. Moses expains that even when we forget Adonai, God is the Rock who sustains us and delivered our anscestors from Egypt. Pretty much, Moses condenses the Torah into cliff notes.
Unfortunately, Moses is not permitted to enter the land of Israel. Instead, God allows Moses to see Israel from the border. God commands Moses to climb Mount Nebo to see Israel because Moses sinned in the desert and in Egypt. If you remember in Exodus, Moses smashes the Ten Commandments at the sight of the Golden Calf. Are we worthy of Israel?
As I read the portion today, (actually during a study hall) I could not help, but feel this tension of our worthiness to own Israel. The entire reason we are in Israel is because God and Abraham made a promise. Abraham proved he is worthy, but have any of us?
Israeis have defended their land, and Jews have visited the land. Zionism is a form of proving our worthiness. I feel once I enter the land, I will be a true Jew. If a leaf falls off a tree, say...a tree in Israel, and the wind blows that leaf to Massachusetts. Does that leaf still belong to the tree of Israel?
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